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Technical design of PU coated gloves using elastic materials to achieve adhesion

PU, as a high-performance elastic material, has demonstrated extremely high application value in glove manufacturing. PU coating not only has good wear resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, and tear resistance, but more importantly, it has good elasticity and resilience. This elasticity allows PU coated gloves to closely adhere to the contours of the hand, maintaining a stable fit even during complex or high-intensity movements, without easily slipping or falling off.
Multi layer structure design
PU coated gloves typically adopt a multi-layer structure design, with an elastic layer located between the inner and outer layers. This design not only enhances the wear resistance and chemical corrosion resistance of the gloves, but also achieves a tight fit on the hands through the presence of an elastic layer. The selection of inner and outer layer materials has also been carefully considered to ensure good compatibility and overall performance with the elastic layer.
Accurate hand contour scanning
In the glove manufacturing process, manufacturers will use advanced hand contour scanning technology to obtain accurate 3D hand data. These data provide important basis for the cutting and design of gloves, ensuring that they can accurately fit the contour of the hand when worn, reducing unnecessary gaps and friction.
Stretch and rebound control of elastic materials
The elastic properties of PU materials are achieved through the flexibility and stretchability of their molecular chains. During the glove manufacturing process, the manufacturer will perform precise stretching and rebound control on the PU coating to ensure that it can tightly fit the hand while maintaining sufficient flexibility and comfort during hand movement. In addition, by adjusting the thickness and formula of the PU coating, its elasticity and bonding effect can be further optimized.
Fine sewing and edge treatment
The sewing process of gloves also has a significant impact on their adhesion. Fine sewing can reduce the exposure of thread ends and friction of stitches, avoiding discomfort and sliding on the hands. At the same time, special treatment of the edges can further improve the sealing and adhesion of the gloves.